What Is Reasonable Accommodation

More and more of our members are asking us our advice on the term reasonable accommodation? To begin our discussion, we must understand that what may be considered to be reasonable for one company may not be reasonable for another company.  It may be a reasonable...

California Labor Law Updates for 2017

California Labor Laws have changed for 2017 and employers need to be aware of those changes. In this article, we will be discussing many of the labor laws that are now in effect. Over the last three years, there have been many complex changes in the area of...

Cal-OSHA Compliance Becomes Easy

Cal-OSHA Compliance in combination with California Labor Laws is usually a very sore and touchy subject for employers in California. But not today, Ces Today has some really great news that may almost make your day.  Today we are going to give you a list of what you...

2017 California Labor Law Compliance Checklist

I hear employers say all the time; I wish there were some sort of a Cal-OSHA and California Labor Law Compliance Checklist. Having heard that a lot lately I thought I would take a few minutes and give all California Employers a few ideas on what they can and should do...