San Diego, is like everywhere else employers big and small must deal with Cal-OSHA compliance San Diego style.

One might ask what does Cal-OSHA San Diego mean? Well to be honest it means the employers in San Diego must comply, not only with Cal-OSHA, but also labor laws just like every other city in California.

Cal-OSHA San Diego compliance means employers must be prepared to document that they have and do the following:

  1. Formally Written Safety Program
  2. A Heat Illness Prevention Program
  3. Respirator Program
  4. Emergency Action Plan

While San Diego is one of the most beautiful cities in California, I mean you have your Padres, your beaches but you also have compliance issues with both labor laws and Cal-Osha San Diego. As an employer in San Diego I would encourage everyone to have an employee handbook that has been updated to include the new California Paid Sick Leave Law.

I would encourage employers to develop their At-Will status. But not only establish your At- Will status but make sure you know how to use it. Using your At-Will Status wrong could cause you to be in and eventually lose a wrongful termination lawsuit.

Losing such a suit could cost you six figures conservatively. That being said I would encourage any employer to make sure that they have a good safety consultant as well as a good hr consultant. Someone who not only knows the laws but knows how the laws are being enforce.

California Employers Services has been filling that role now for almost twenty year and we would love to answer any question you may have.